Relationship Development



“The righteous care for the needs of their animals” Proverbs 12:10a



Program 1: Connecting with Horses 101


This 4 week program is for those individuals wanting to build confidence and better understand the language of Equus. These sessions teach the basics of horse communication, handling, psychology and herd dynamics. Lessons include learning how to ‘speak’ to your horse and ‘hear’ what your horse has to say without words. Lessons also include the basics of the horse/human partnership, positive reinforcement, join up and correcting misbehavior or bad behavior. You will learn how communicate with your horse with mutual respect and trust rather than intimidation and force. By the end of the course you will have built self-esteem and overcome any fears in your relationship. There are no naturally bad horses, only miscommunication between trainer/rider and their horse. Learning and practicing these principles allows participants to “be the better horse”. This is a great course for new horse owners or those wishing to make the change from traditional horsemanship to natural horsemanship. All sessions are on the ground. These sessions are private. This course is designed for ages 8 through to adults and can be ongoing.


Cost: $300+ hst /4 one hour private sessions


Contact us for more information.



Program 2: Connecting with Horses 201


This program deepens what you have learned in the previous course “Connecting with Horses 101”. Now that you have learned the ABC’s of speaking Equus in conversation with your horse and have learned his non-verbal “words” it’s time to become the leader your horse requires in your partnership. Most horse people know how to lunge and round pen their horse but do they know how to do it as the horse’s leader gaining mutual respect, trust and awareness of the two way conversation that is transpiring right in front of them? This course will teach you the basics of putting what you learned in Connecting with Horses 101 into practice as you begin to exercise and train your horse. You’ll learn how horses play “horse games” and how to respond to them. Once you’ve learned the language, you will know how to work with any horse, not just the one you are familiar with. All sessions are on the ground. You’ll have a deeper understanding of your relationship which will help you problem solve any behavioural issues that may come up in the future! This course is designed for ages 8 through to adults and can be ongoing.


Cost: $300+ hst /4 one hour private sessions


Contact us for more information.



Program 3: Deepening the Relationship


Natural horsemanship is communicating with horses in their own language by using the same body language they would use with each other in their herd. It is learning to speak the language of equus and understanding that every moment you are with your horse, you are saying something to him. Like any relationship, what you say and how you say it can make all the difference to the quality of your time together. If your horse has behaviour issues you aren’t sure how to deal with, these lessons will help you understand their psyche and how to become the leader they need you to be.


Horses are constantly reacting to what we “tell” them through our body language. There are no bad horses but many that are misunderstood. Horses are prey animals that survive in the wild in relationship with their herd. Using these methods of natural horsemanship, you become part of your horse’s herd by proving that you can be trusted. You cannot force them to follow you and you cannot bully them, you simply must be the “better horse.”


You can’t fake it with a horse. He wants assertiveness balanced with empathy and consistency balanced with accountability. You’ll find if you change the way you react to your horse, you’ll get a different response. That is the beginning of your journey to having a calmer, happier and more willing partnership with your horse. Once you start to understand how a horse thinks, you can start to influence its actions. There is a way to do this, a way that will leave the horse doing your bidding out of respect and trust and the certain knowledge that you are acting in its best interest. He may not know what you are going to ask of him next, but he will know that how you ask will always be consistent, and this lays the groundwork of trust and respect.


This program is for those experienced horse owners who want to have a deeper relationship with their horse.” Ground exercises include in hand, round pen, lunging and line driving. Riding exercises are designed to build a better relationship of mutual trust and respect.


Lessons are only offered with your own horse and are ongoing.
Cost: $55/lesson (45 minutes)


Contact us for more information.